Sunday, April 14, 2024

And so has started.

I'm going to get this site back into code and all the things.  My crazy other site is Timbo Smash   It is going to be smashing 

Friday, March 1, 2024

This morning, I got my haircut at my friendly old barbershop. Two gentlemen and a lady were cutting hair. As I enter the door, an older gentleman is always playing an older electric guitar and amp softly with the virtue of music. He comes up to pass and receives joy doing it.  By chance, it came up about my birthday this week, and as I walked out the door, the older gentleman and I exchanged a smile. He grinned and jokingly asked what I was getting him for his birthday. I stopped and said, I have the only one gift I can give and give it to you freely. My Love. I gave him a soft, warm hug and laid my head on his momentarily. We stop, and he looks up at me and says, that was the best gift I've ever received.  He doesn't know what gift I received from him at that moment. You never know how a simple act of Love will change a person's day and yours.  

Friday, January 1, 2016

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Steve Jobs

What an amazing life.  Love or Hate you can not deny what he achived and the lives he touched and changed.  Steve Jobs

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Detect baloney!

Have a few friends that need this baloney detection kit

Friday, December 4, 2015

New featur in PowerShell V4 for doing where and foreach without piping.

I found this great article on $object.where… rather then $object | where… thought I would pass it on.

Let me know the first time you try it will love to chat about it.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

As a big fan of Google cardboard and Star Wars this is just great. VR Star Wars.